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Looking for assistance in Mendoza

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Invitado unbeliever

Hola Gents,


I'm a traveller from the US and I am in Mendoza for the time being while my motorcycle is being repaired. I'm hoping to spend some time with Micaela/Angelina of www.mendosex.com, but my meager Spanish skills aren't good enough to set up an appointment over the phone. Yes, I tried.


If one of you guys would be willing to help me make contact with her, I'd greatly appreciate it. We could discuss the situation about it over drinks, which would be on me, of course. I'm near Parque Independencia.


If you're game, please send me a PM.





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Invitado Huge_Punisher

Re: Looking for assistance in Mendoza


Man , I guess your pretty much on your own , probably u should give it a try posting on Mendoza Escorts section , if you don't get help there you better try to make a local buddy in Mendoza and ask'im to set the whole thing for you.


Good luck and I hope u hava good one

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