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Invitado Karhu

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Hello friends...

I'm from brazil... I'm a user from a similar site we have there... http://www.gpguia.net. You should take a look the way it's organized... cause is realy usefull. There we have a hole section for what we call TD - test drive- where we rank the girls according to the service...there is a topic for each girl... try http://www.gpguia.net/phpbb/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=2 to see how it works... I spent all the carnival in florianopolis and now I'm here em BA for another week... I'm looking foward to met a professional from this nice city... could anyone provide me wih some hot hit's? Names and tel would be realy a hand... cause the sites seen all very nice, but we have the same photoshop problem...and someimes the gilrs are just to mecanic...



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