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Inexpensive Hotels

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Invitado JuanCarter

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I hope to be in BA in March 2007 for about a month. I'm on a tight budget and off-hand it looks like apartments are the way to go. I'm seeking hotel or apartment recommendations in the $25 US range or less. I would guess the microcentro area is best for me on my budget but hope you can share your experience. Someplace secure, of course, that is tolerant of our hobby and convenient to the action. A little help please?

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  • Miembro

Re: Inexpensive Hotels




Welcome to Argentina.

We are experiencing a heavy tourism boom here in Bs.As.

The hotels are almost always full.

It might be quite hard to get a hotel for 25 dollars.

I think you need to pay at least the double.

If you search for "cheap hotel buenos aires" in google many good sites appear. The lowest price I have seen is 64 dollars per night in march.


There are lots of cheap youth hostels of good standard from 20 pesos.

In most hostels you can pay a little extra for a separate room.


I really don't know if the normal hotels like

that you have sex-orgies in their descent family hotels.


There are hotels that are very tolerant to our hobby.

They are called "telos" (hotels spelled backwards).

You can get a room for a couple of hours.


In your case, it would be strange to have to pay for two rooms, wouldn't it?




I hope to be in BA in March 2007 for about a month. I'm on a tight budget and off-hand it looks like apartments are the way to go. I'm seeking hotel or apartment recommendations in the $25 US range or less. I would guess the microcentro area is best for me on my budget but hope you can share your experience. Someplace secure, of course, that is tolerant of our hobby and convenient to the action. A little help please?


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  • Miembro

Re: Inexpensive Hotels


I hope to be in BA in March 2007 for about a month. I'm on a tight budget and off-hand it looks like apartments are the way to go. I'm seeking hotel or apartment recommendations in the $25 US range or less. I would guess the microcentro area is best for me on my budget but hope you can share your experience. Someplace secure, of course, that is tolerant of our hobby and convenient to the action. A little help please?


Hi, Juan

I hope you'll enjoy the visit to our city.

I'd definitely say that apartments are the way to go considering your tight budget and length of stay.

Mandelbrot's links will probably be useful and let me add: http://www.bairesapartments.com/apartments/apartments_buenos_aires.php


Of course you can find many more sites like that by querying Google for "buenos aires temporary". Make sure you have a look at a couple of those sites to get an idea of current prices and services offered.


"Someplace secure, of course, that is tolerant of our hobby and convenient to the action"

Your best bet would be the Recoleta / Barrio Norte area, I think. It is one of the best neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and it's just off downtown (about ten minutes). It will probably be slightly more expensive than microcentro / downtown but it's nicer and probably worth the extra buck. Besides it's equally tolerant of this hobby and maybe even more convenient for the action (many Escorts work in Recoleta and quite a few night clubs are there too).

I think that you'll be able to find a nice small apartment (about 500 - 600 sq ft) in Recoleta for around U$S 700 - 800 a month.


Hope it helps. If there's anything else you want to know just ask again.




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  • 2 semanas más tarde...
  • Miembro

Re: Inexpensive Hotels


I will be visiting Buenos Aires on the 1st week of Feb. 06 and will be renting from a site called http://www.bytargentina.com/


They have a substantial selection of apartments ranging from $135 USD/week to infinity. I already reserved a place in Microcentro for $190/Week and I will be sure to report my experience with them during my stay.



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  • Miembro

Re: Inexpensive Hotels


I did a similar thing early in 2006. You might get a bunch of useful information at argentinaprivate.com


Enjoy BA..it a great place!!!




I agree with you. That is precisely where I got the info.


Un saludo a mis compañeros argentinos ¡este foro es grosso!

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  • 7 meses más tarde...

Re: Inexpensive Hotels


Thanks guys. My trip was delayed and is on for sure in January 2008. Six weeks, starting in Lima. If you are ever in Lima, the Maria Luisa Hotel fits my budget and is perfectly located in Miraflores near the Tequila Rocks disco, I was there two years ago. I'll be at least a week in Bs.As and probably two. Something near the Excedra you can recommend and where I might take an Excedra girl? I want to reserve as I can to spend on the hobby and someplace acceptable to bring a toda la noche. You guys are great and I truly appreciate your input. Hablo castellano suficiente para sobrevivir - mas de poquito - pero no es bueno. Que les vaya bien!

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