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Cerveza anyone

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Respuesta: Cerveza anyone


Greetings, I'm here for a couple of months enjoying my favorite hobby. Don't do it 24/7 and would like to meet someone who would like to go out for a beer sometime.


sorry 24/7 what do u mean?? are you straight??? why don´t you go and drink a beer in madahos or hippopotmus in front of Recoleta cemetery


if you like girls those are the places right for you.


best regards!!!



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Respuesta: Cerveza anyone


Greetings Hectore, didn't mean to be confusing. I am straight and am enjoying the beautiful women of Buenos Aires. I have a fair amount of free time but don't know many people who live here. Just interested in someone who might want to chat over a beer in a normal bar. I am familiar with bars like Hippos and probably wouldn't go there for a casual beer.

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Respuesta: Cerveza anyone


Greetings Hectore, didn't mean to be confusing. I am straight and am enjoying the beautiful women of Buenos Aires. I have a fair amount of free time but don't know many people who live here. Just interested in someone who might want to chat over a beer in a normal bar. I am familiar with bars like Hippos and probably wouldn't go there for a casual beer.


Ok, now i am departure to Croatia for the hollydays, go to a bar and star talking to the bar tender or any mate, its simple I do that when I travel around the world. Sorry but I dont understand 24/7. ok sorry but I cant go white you to drink a beer, right now. I hope you get lucky in what u are looking for. There are a lot of people that enjoy you company.




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