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Looking for Private Brothels or amateur escorts in or near Recoleta

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Invitado elaleman

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I am visiting BA this week. I am staying in Recoleta and would like to know where the latest private brothels are. I do not like the setup near the cemetary.


Further to this I am interested in meeting semi-private girls. The pics on the internet seem to be too much photoshopped. I am more looking for a mature milf.


I can speak Spanish but I am not sure how the phone process works when I call a private brothel. I would prefer to walk in and then talk to thye people.


Looking forward to receiving some good information.





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Respuesta: Looking for Private Brothels or amateur Escorts in or near Recoleta



I am visiting BA this week. I am staying in Recoleta and would like to know where the latest private brothels are. I do not like the setup near the cemetary.

Further to this I am interested in meeting semi-private girls. The pics on the internet seem to be too much photoshopped. I am more looking for a mature milf.

I can speak Spanish but I am not sure how the phone process works when I call a private brothel. I would prefer to walk in and then talk to thye people.

Looking forward to receiving some good information.



Oh! you look for milfs. I dislike them deeply and look for teens, then I know almost nothing about milfs. About photoshop I must tell you that you must be careful, don't think all the pictures are whole photoshoped. Sometimes you have the face modified, and sometimes the body, but sometimes everything is false.

I must worn you about some milfs that you must run away from. Mica (4785-0797) Bairesgirls (her service is shit!!!)=Milagros, Platynum//// Triny (15-3480-1192) Bairesgirls//// Fatima (15-3633-7794) Bairesgirls//// Nerea (15-6897-0962) Bairesgirls//// Lupita (15-6151-9628) Bairesgirls//// Ady (15-3615-5495 / 15-5996-0980) Platynum (run away from her!!! she's dangerous!!)//// Sofy (15-4949-3371 / 15-4047-5233) Platynum//// Maru (15-4402-1661 / 15-6760-8500) Platynum////

Well, that's what I can do for you about milfs. If you want to know something more about "our" escorts, you may ask me. For the next seven days I'll have some free time.

Say thank you...You're welcome!!!:011::011:



Triny, Fatima, Nerea, Lupita are not milfs

Excuse my poor english.


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Respuesta: Looking for Private Brothels or amateur Escorts in or near Recoleta




Gracias por tu mensaje. Creo que tu ingles es mejor que mi castellano.


Hoy visite un apatamiento privado. Creo que es mejor y mas barato que los Escorts.





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