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XP Trio con Virginia y Fernanda (amigas de Ingrid)

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Con gran alegría ví, que hace un par de semanas, volvió a publicar una de las mejores Escorts que he disfrutado en mi vida de gatero…la exquisita Ingrid (Platinum). Pero por diversas causas no pudimos acomodar oportunidad para un enésimo reencuentro. Sin perder esperanza ayer vuelvo a contactarla…y tampoco se dió. No obstante me dice que tenía una sorpresa especial para darme….Se trataba de dos amigas de ella que venían a la ciudad de la furia por unos días para hacer un raid de sex y placer!!!!

“Si te interesa te mando unas fotis por wapp para que las veas” me dijo. Como, se imaginaran grité “Daleeeeee”. Y la magia tecnológica me hizo llegar a mi celu dos pendejas realmente hermosas Virginia y Fernanda, veinteañeras, lomos espectaculares, morochas ambas; se me cayó la baba y de inmediato la intimé para que me organizara una cita. Y la genial Ingrid, así lo hizo…

Hoy a la tardecita llegué 20 minutos antes al Discret, lugar pautado, a la hora indicada me amiga me informa del arribo de ambas. Bajé del auto casi al trote…y al llegar a la recepción… las ví. Me quedé impactado, vestidas las dos de manera casual pero se adivinaba entre las ropas esos lomos duros, soñados que solo las pendejas pueden tener.

Mientras subíamos las escaleras me apretaron las dos, como si nos conociéramos desde siempre. Mientras me besaban, yo tocaba todo lo que al alcance de la mano tenía. Franeleando los tres ingresamos a la habitación. Pese a estar relimpito me zambullo al baño para calmarme…y al salir mis ojitos vieron a Virginia que tenía puesto una camisa, una tanguita y zapatos taco aguja; Fernanda remerita, hilo dental y taquelis también. Las dos guachas se cagaban de risa, creo de mi cara y del pequeño demonio que pugnaba por salir del bóxer.

Las besé con pasión, rápidamente les saqué las ropas quedaron en tetas y bombachita. Virginia inició un hermoso PT sin, Fernanda me entregaba las tetas y con mis manos libres le metía uno, dos, tres dedos en la chuchita, que ya se mojaba. Mis piernitas empezaron a temblar y no quería acabar tan rápido… Las hago tortear un poco entre ellas, yo entraba y salía de la escena. Luego la pongo en cuatro a Fer, sobre Virgina, que estaba acostada para que le chupe la conchita (como se retorcía esa pendeja) y frente a ese hermoso cuadro, me pongo un latex y le doy a Fernanda. En una no muy larga serruchada (estaba recaliente) llegó un hermoso polvo.

Hablamos unas pavaditas, yo como para recuperarme, las pendejas ni transpiradas estaban (lo que es la juventud). Mientras charlábamos, notaba como sutilmente ellas se acariciaban entre sí. Me paro para recibir unas gaseosas que habíamos pedido y al regresar estaban apretando furiosamente. Realmente me descontroló, me meto entro ellas; las besaba, chupaba tetas, y alguna chucha que pintaba. Pero tenía en la cabeza muy claramente que no podía perderme la degustación de Virginia. Así que fui llevando las posiciones hasta que se me monta Virginia (previa colocación de protección) y Fernanda casi sentada sobre mi cara me entregaba su hermosa conchita, en un momento de lucidez la saco; quería ver lo que hacía Virginia…y fue unos minutos apenas para que me saque el 2do. Que alegría tenía…por favor. Los dos bombonazos me daban besitos y me acariciaban. Me sentía un rey con sus cortesanas.

Así pasó una horita larga de placer absoluto, cuando amagué para ir a la ducha, de la mano las dos me llevaron y me bañaron. Que delicadeza…!!!!!!

Está más que claro que la pasé INCREIBLE.

Tablita y Data de interés (odio hacerla pero bueno… the rules)


Cara: 8 (no es fea para nada)

Tetas: 9 (creo que hechas pero ni se nota)

OGT: 9 (10 solo a Ingrid), no sé si lo entrega, ni pregunté

PT (sin): 9

Garching: 10

Actitud: 10

Rolojeo: No

Reincidencia: Absolutamente

Gift: 1 Luca


Cara: 9

Tetas: 9 (hechas, armoniosas)

OGT: 9 (10 solo a Ingrid), no sé si lo entrega, ni pregunté

PT (sin): 9

Garching: 10

Actitud: 10

Rolojeo: No

Reincidencia: Absolutamente

Gift: 1 Luca

Forma de contactarlas, al celu de Ingrid que figura en Platynum; se quedan hasta el domingo.

Resumiendo esta hermosa sorpresa de Ingrid (Gracias genia!!!!!), salió dos lucas más telo ($ 250) . Una inversión más que satisfactoria. Espero les haya gustado.

Abrazo de Bwana

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  • Miembro

Re: XP Trio con Virginia y Fernanda (amigas de Ingrid)


guau. . . . . . .leer este tipo de ex da gusto y mas aún que es todo un tema contactar a Ingrid. . . . .tremendo consuelo te dio por no poder estar con ella no?

celebro y agradezco que la pasaste tan bien y espero puedas repetir un trío con una de las morochas e Ingrid

abrazo y cuidate

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When Tyler called interference again, Beaver asked if Tyler was calling him a liar. These, like any small heating device, work best in small, enclosed rooms. There is also no need for a prescription from the doctor. Users can buy diet pills form a host of brand names and manufacturers on this site. There are various other reasons why you keep getting back to the urge of losing weight. Perhaps, the best place could be the net which is much more convenient, quick and economical and there are numbers of website selling these pills online. Sites like Amazon, e - Bay and GNC are the main leaders in the market as people who buy diet pills online go to them for their low price products. The tapeworm diet does not work for the simple reason that tapeworms are like people: they poop and pee, and we discuss the implications of these natural functions here. The light-filtering tint allows the light to filter out the colors of your eye depending on which color you wish to filter. The internet has a large number of online pharmacies where you can get for discounted rates and in most private deliveries. It caused me to sweat uncontrollably from the hands, armpits, face and feet no matter what temperature I was exposed to. Then just select the building you want to place, and select to “Place Copy” and then select the empty lot you want to place that building on. The best diet plans will give you much energy by increasing the activity level, will help you in melting the calories, control your hunger and many other benefits are there. You can also buy the whole peppers and use them in a stir fry, soup, or salad (or however you would prefer them. They assure safe delivery of all the order, as most of packages shipped are insured. I've been lucky to have bought diet pills that haven't been pulled from the market for various reasons. However, Qlaira pills need to be taken throughout your menstrual cycle and unlike 21 day pills you should start with the next course as soon as you finish the first one. Children and babies are said to be the most at-risk and vulnerable to the harmful effects. The fact that it is better to buy pills without prescription at an online pharmacy is undeniable. When Tyler and Lymie arrived at Buster's, no one was there. Chapter 16: After Tyler had showered, dressed, and ate, he and Chuckie discussed the Boo - Boo incident. Keeping Fido happy and healthy though, can be a little challenging when trying to budget. Saunders that he had to go over to Mary Grace's house to get help on math. Afraid that Tyler will give their names, Lymie grabs the phone. Under normal circumstances, you won't suffer any major side effects from this chemical substance, but it should be used after adequate recommendation. Buy Cozaar medication cod http://2600au.org/?q=node/69 - Online buy Nexium AMEX

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  • Miembro

Re: A Guide To Essential Factors In buy pills online


When Tyler called interference again, Beaver asked if Tyler was calling him a liar. These, like any small heating device, work best in small, enclosed rooms. There is also no need for a prescription from the doctor. Users can buy diet pills form a host of brand names and manufacturers on this site. There are various other reasons why you keep getting back to the urge of losing weight. Perhaps, the best place could be the net which is much more convenient, quick and economical and there are numbers of website selling these pills online. Sites like Amazon, e - Bay and GNC are the main leaders in the market as people who buy diet pills online go to them for their low price products. The tapeworm diet does not work for the simple reason that tapeworms are like people: they poop and pee, and we discuss the implications of these natural functions here. The light-filtering tint allows the light to filter out the colors of your eye depending on which color you wish to filter. The internet has a large number of online pharmacies where you can get for discounted rates and in most private deliveries. It caused me to sweat uncontrollably from the hands, armpits, face and feet no matter what temperature I was exposed to. Then just select the building you want to place, and select to “Place Copy” and then select the empty lot you want to place that building on. The best diet plans will give you much energy by increasing the activity level, will help you in melting the calories, control your hunger and many other benefits are there. You can also buy the whole peppers and use them in a stir fry, soup, or salad (or however you would prefer them. They assure safe delivery of all the order, as most of packages shipped are insured. I've been lucky to have bought diet pills that haven't been pulled from the market for various reasons. However, Qlaira pills need to be taken throughout your menstrual cycle and unlike 21 day pills you should start with the next course as soon as you finish the first one. Children and babies are said to be the most at-risk and vulnerable to the harmful effects. The fact that it is better to buy pills without prescription at an online pharmacy is undeniable. When Tyler and Lymie arrived at Buster's, no one was there. Chapter 16: After Tyler had showered, dressed, and ate, he and Chuckie discussed the Boo - Boo incident. Keeping Fido happy and healthy though, can be a little challenging when trying to budget. Saunders that he had to go over to Mary Grace's house to get help on math. Afraid that Tyler will give their names, Lymie grabs the phone. Under normal circumstances, you won't suffer any major side effects from this chemical substance, but it should be used after adequate recommendation. Buy Cozaar medication cod http://2600au.org/?q=node/69 - Online buy Nexium AMEX

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