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Some Help PLZ?

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Invitado Libico

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Hi Everyone,

Mi a foreign man needs to be helped right soon

I ´ve been here at Buenoss Aires since one month

Till now I couldn´t reach any escourt

How do things go on in your city?

Where can I find girl may be under my company

No one could tongue in english:

This is a big problem indeed!

Really I need one girl clear, speaking English and for being with me


Libico´s Respects

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Respuesta: Some Help PLZ?


Hi, if you've been in Buenos Aires for a month and haven't been able to find an Escorts then you need some info badly. Don't let the lack of Spanish deter you. I've been all over the world and not speaking the language was never a problem for finding sex. To start, you can look at some of these websites:







Most of them have an option for English when you start. The first two websites on that list show which languages the girls speak (idioma). Some of them speak some English. And they know what you're calling about anyway so don't be shy :)


If you wish, I can get you the number of a woman in Buenos Aires who speaks English perfectly and who specializes in helping men who want to find Escorts.

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  • Miembro

Respuesta: Some Help PLZ?


Dear Libico,

Welcome to Buenos Aires Capital City. Where are you from? Anyways, as Wolfgang was telling you, pls go to those sites and once you have chosen a grl that might compl your needs you can ask us if there has been any experience - noted as XP in this site, or you can use the search key "buscar". In order to understand the argentinian slang used in this site, I'd suggest you read the translated terms in a mini dictionary posted by Wolfgang which is actually pretty good.(I browsed for it but couldn't find it, pls ask Wolfgang)

As an excellent suggestion, I'd browse the area vip or AV site http://www.areavip.com.ar/ in which most of the grls speak English, or the Argentas VIP site. http://www.argentas-vip.com.ar/natasha.html

Another suggestion is to use an Escorts who is close to your location, so that is more convenient for you. Buenos Aires is a big city and you may not want to arrive late at you appointment. Please don't use the street girls, might not be safe since you don't know the city. As a tourist don't go into those pubs advertised by people on the streets giving out leaflets or panflets or cards, it is not safe and you might get screwed.

Always ask the Forum BEFORE going or visiting an escort so that previous experiences can be checked and a succesfull experience is achived.


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  • 3 semanas más tarde...
Invitado Huge_Punisher

Respuesta: Some Help PLZ?


Hi man ,


Well the thing is quite simple , ask someone at where you stopping by to call the girl for you ( you can pick one from the sites the other guys told you to check out ) , you'll probably get charged with the gringo fare and gonna have to tip the guy your asking for calling as well, but you know shit happens everywhere througout the world , so i'm afraid your just gonna have to deal with that.


Regarding an english speaking whore , I actually dont recommend to get one of those , basically cuz your gonna get charged for that , I guess you want them to fuck not to talk , lol


hava good one dude , and dont be shy , everybody likes whores , ask some guy at your hotel to call for you , he'll understand ,



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  • 5 meses más tarde...
Invitado BenitoBodoque

Respuesta: Some Help PLZ?


OK, now I will help you, first try to get a Argentinian or Spain tongue friend, because many girls even If they Speak English will be more expensive for you, but if you just want girls at your Hotel, call them and that`s it!

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Respuesta: Some Help PLZ?


You are in Argentina, Spain colonie SO LEARN SPANISH!!!


Hola Benito. Tres observaciones:


1. Traduzco lo que has dicho: "Estas en Argentina, colonia española, asi que aprende a hablar español!!!


2. Tu mensaje esta mal escrito. No se dice "Spain colonie" sino "Spanish colony". Solo hago este comentario porque aunque le exiges a este señor que aprenda español, no te lo aplicas a ti mismo en lo que se refiere al ingles.


3. El hilo al cual has respondido tiene seis meses de antiguedad. A los moderadores no les gusta que se revivan hilos muertos. Aparte de que la persona a quien hablas muy probablemente ya ha partido de Argentina y no tiene necesidad de poner en practica tu exigencia.


Contestame esto por favor: Que sentido tiene proveer un foro de habla inglesa si vamos a recibir de esa manera a los que postean en el? Los franceses tienen muy mala (y merecida) reputacion porque tratan a los turistas de esa forma. Haz patria. Se agradable al turista.

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  • Miembro

Respuesta: Some Help PLZ?


This thread is almost 6 months old, and there hasn't been any replies from the user that created it, so I'm closing it.

If anyone has more questions, you can open another thread or send a PM.



Más conozco al hombre, y más quiero a mi perro.Más conozco a la mujer, y más amo a los gatos.CATador.-------------------------------------------Consejos para Gatear-------------------------------------------

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